Innovation is Vaillant. Vaillant is innovation. Ideas for heating supplied by the leader in innovation is synonymous of trend-setting system technology in the field of residential heating, domestic hot water and home conveniences.
Today, with the know-how and competence acquired in more than 135 years in innovation for heating, Vaillant offers a vast range of electronic hot water appliances fully matching individual domestic hot water demand as to modern conveniences of our customers. Vaillant does not only deliver exactly the desired quantity of hot water right to the degree at any time , but as well simultaneously supplies it at several tapping points within the split of a second.
EIWH can be installed in a remote or rarely used place where it is not possible to use other energy resources like gas or oil. Wherever the central DHW system is not possible or required, the decentral electric water heater supply is an attracting and interesting alternative solution. Water is being heated at exactly the time and the place where it is needed and in exactly the quantity which is needed.
Electrical wiring is easier to set up compare to a gas operated systems and electricity having a higher availability in most countries or regions. By positioning the water heater very close to the tapping points, it reduces long pipework which interns reduces high heat losses as well as consumption of precious potable water. The benefit is for our environment but also for your household budget.
EIWH are also a future proof product , suitable for combination renewable such as solar thermal or photovoltaics.
Comfort for my home
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